Tuesday, April 20, 2010


As I mentioned in the Introduction, I have been following a bunch of blogs for a while now.  One of the blogs I have followed consistently is 1000 Awesome Things.  It's an amazing site that brings a smile to your face pretty much every time you visit.  Neil Pasricha, the author of the site, has done an incredible job with it, and recently came out with a book titled "The Book of Awesome".

I just bought the book yesterday and I keep picking it up and opening to a random page and loving what I see.  To sum it up without giving too much away, it's a 400 page book of things that just about everyone loves.  Unless you're not human.  But even then you should love them.  The examples that Pasricha put on the book jacket are "Snow Days, Bakery Air, Finding Money in Your Pocket, and Other Simple, Brilliant things."  And that's exactly what it is.  Other simple, brilliant things.

I showed it to a few of my friends last night and they all loved it.  As someone said so brilliantly, "it's the perfect coffee table book for the new table we just got in our apartment!"

Now, I didn't want this to sound like a book review, or me telling you to go buy it (although I am saying that.  It's awesome!), but I just wanted to give a shout out to Pasricha because his site and book had a lot to do with me starting this blog.  So thank you Neil.  Thank you for your entertainment, reminders of the good times that passed by and were forgotten, and for the inspiration.


  1. "It's the perfect coffee table book for the new table we just got in our apartment!"

    Didn't you say that? Haha!

  2. I am not human, but these are awesome! And to quote something amazing "someone" said today, You make me laugh like a baby squirrel falling out of a tree.

  3. I didn't know baby squirrels laugh and fall out of trees. I'd like to see how that laugh goes sometime.
