Monday, August 30, 2010

Change of Scenery

I haven't had much to write about over the last few months.  I'm still unemployed and haven't had much excitement in my life.  In fact, I'm as broke as anything and I'm actually moving back home because I can't afford rent.

But this post isn't a sad post.  It's about the good times I've had and the good friends I've made.  They made these seven months here awesome.  There's a core group of seven extremely close friends that has kept me sane.  They let me invade their apartments and their lives, and I owe them so incredibly much.  We don't lead normal New York City lives.  We don't go out drinking and dancing, or seeing shows or the sights.  No, that's not how we roll.

They understood my situation.  They could have gone out and done all those things together, but they are such fantastic friends that they tried to include me in just about everything they could.  Heck, they even fed me when they thought I needed it.  We stayed in and had more movie nights than I can count.  We barbecued, sat and hung out, played video games, did lots of nothing, and who knows what else.  We didn't need much to entertain us.  The fact that we were together and hanging out and kept each other laughing was enough.

THAT, my friends, is what friendship really is.  They are all incredibly special people and I want them all to know it.  I want to show them off to anyone that doesn't know them yet and rub it in their face.  I am the one they chose to see on a daily basis.  I was welcomed in to this otterific group of friends with open arms.

This is just one of my ways of saying thank you to them.  I know they will all see this at some point in the future, and this is a reminder to them of the awesome times we spent together.  I know I won't forget a moment of it.

Thank you all for everything you've done for me.

I can't wait to get back here for good and reciprocate the love you guys showed for're in for a real treat.

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